Good tips

There's an absolutely brilliant picture on Elaine Bunting's blog today of Emirates Team New Zealand banging into the 1m waves of Valencia yesterday. 1m may not sound like a lot but, it clearly was putting those thoroughbreds under pressure. I suspect the photographer's a pro and will be guarding this one carefully (I would in his shoes), so won't re-post here. I did, though, follow the lead of "favourite blogs" to's cruising page . This, in turn, led to a story about one Kiwi selecting the Marten 49 as his perfect fast cruising yacht. To say it's a bit of an Aussie Wally makes it sound like somebody who thinks the Wallabies can win the Rugby World Cup. Nothing of the sort. Check out the builder's site here (I assume they'll have no problem with me posting one of their snaps).